A revolutionary new performance water.

Nanobubble Oxygen Water
Experience the revitalizing power of Nanobubble Oxygen Water for enhanced hydration and wellness
Improved Oxygen Delivery
O2 nanobubbles are extremely small bubbles containing oxygen gas. When introduced into a liquid, such as water or a sports drink, they can increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen. This increased oxygen content may enhance oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues, including the muscles, during physical exertion. Improved oxygen supply can enhance aerobic performance and delay the onset of fatigue.

Enhanced Energy Production
Oxygen plays a vital role in energy production within the body, particularly during aerobic exercise. By increasing the oxygen availability, O2 nanobubbles may improve the efficiency of energy production pathways, such as oxidative phosphorylation. This leads to enhanced stamina and endurance during sports activities, allowing athletes to perform at higher intensities for longer durations.
Accelerated Recovery
Intense training and physical activity can lead to the accumulation of metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid, which contribute to fatigue and muscle soreness. O2 nanobubbles may help remove these waste products more efficiently by improving blood flow and oxygenation in the muscles. Faster waste product clearance could result in quicker recovery times between training sessions and competitions, allowing athletes to maintain their performance levels.

Reduced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
Intense exercise can induce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, which can hinder recovery and increase the risk of injury. Oxygen has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and O2 nanobubbles may facilitate the delivery of oxygen to inflamed or stressed tissues. SmasH20 Water will reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, promoting faster recovery and reducing the risk of injury.
O2 Absorption through the Intestinal walls
In Vivo Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Crossover Investigation of the Effect of Oral Administration of an Oxygen-nanobubble Drink on the Exercise Performance in Elite Athletes.
Although the primary organ of gas exchange is the lung, it has been recognized for some time that other organs have a potential role in gas exchange. There is emerging evidence that the gastrointestinal tract may have the capacity to act as an organ of gas exchange.
Several recent studies in both animals and humans have indicated that orally administered oxygenated nanobubbles is a safe intervention that can improve tissue oxygenation.

Cognitive Function
Oxygen is vital for brain function, and some theories suggest that increased oxygen levels could potentially enhance cognitive performance.
Multiple studies by NIH and major universities have trials underway proving use of O2 nanobubble water on COPD patients as a supplemental O2 delivery mechanism. The O2 nanobubbles will pass through the intestinal wall and directly into the blood stream.

Studies Of Benefits In Sports Training
Air-nanobubble water significantly promoted the height (19.1 vs. 16.7 cm; P<0.05), length of leaves (24.4 vs. 22.4 cm; P<0.01), and aerial fresh weight (27.3 vs. 20.3 g; P<0.01) of Brassica campestris compared to normal water. Total weight of sweet fish increased from 3.0 to 6.4 kg in normal water, whereas it increased from 3.0 to 10.2 kg in air-nanobubble water. In addition, total weight of rainbow trout increased from 50.0 to 129.5 kg in normal water, whereas it increased from 50.0 to 148.0 kg in air-nanobubble water. Free oral intake of oxygen-nanobubble water significantly promoted the weight (23.5 vs. 21.8 g; P<0.01) and the length (17.0 vs. 16.1 cm; P<0.01)
This study investigated the acute performance and physiological responses to submaximal and repeated sprint cycling following ingestion of an oxygen-nanobubble beverage. Our findings demonstrate significant and practically meaningful improvements in 16.1-km TT completion time and repeated sprint performance in competitive cyclists. Consumption of the oxygen-nanobubble beverage may elicit small performance benefits for athletes performing sustained vigorous efforts, as well as repeated bouts of high intensity exercise, but further research is required to clarify physiological mechanisms underlying these ergogenic effects.
NCE group exhibited significantly lower levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), triglycerides (TG), and higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL) after a 4-week supplementation, compared with the placebo group. After a 15-minute session on the spinning bike, serum lactate and ammonia levels were decreased and glucose was economized in the NEC group. 4-week-NCE supplementation was also able to reduce the peak vertical ground reaction force (PVGRF) during drop jump. Therefore, the risk of musculoskeletal system in lower extremity could be reduced.
We demonstrate that 4-week-NCE supplementation can also be used in explosiveness exercise for better physiological adaptation. Thus, NCE has potential for use with nutrient supplements toward a variety of benefits for athletics.
Proof of Technology

Our system has been tested by major U.S. Universities like Clemson, Notre Dame, University of Georgia on their Laser NanoSight and NanoScope system which proves we can put in 1 oz of water over 15 trillion O2 nanobubbles. We are also proven with Melvern Analytics the manufacture of the measuring lasers.

We have also used our O2 nanobubbles to remediate Toxic Blue Green Algae in lakes and other water bodies
Our technology cleaned the Constitutional Gardens Lake in Washington D.C. and also the Benjamin Banneker Park, German American Park and soon the Lincoln Reflecting Pool. The National Park Service is very impressed with our results.
Our nanobubble technology is revolutionizing agriculture with superior O2 nanobubbles delivery to the roots and promoting superior photosynthesis in the plants. NIH has proven increased growth in plants, mice and fish. In humans the increased O2 availability will help performance and growth as well.

O2 Nanobubbles on Left and without O2 nanobubbles on Right
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